Variable,Literals & Data Types in C

Pankaj Jaiswal
3 min readFeb 26, 2021


  • Literal:This is nothing but a Constant Value or fixed value which is not change by the program during its execution.This type of value are useful when we don’t want to change the value throught the program.




In above Eg we Can see that We are printing BirthYear.Here we have used 2003 as literal.Important to note here is We have used literal because the BirthYear will Never Change for Particular Person.

  • Variable:In Programming,Variable is nothing but a Container in which we can put Some Value.As the name suggest variable which mean varying,So we Can say Variable is used to store temporary value which is going to be vary(change) in future.For eg We have to use Age as value and if we use Age as literal then it would be tedious because Age does not remain constant So after every 1 year we have to manually change the age in program which would be very difficult,to overcome this we use variables.


int age=43;



In above if we have to change the value we can simply increment it,By using (++) increment operator.Don’t Worry if don’t know about increment operator we will discuss it in further lecture.

Variable Declaration Syntax:

data_type_name variable_name;


int a;

Data Types:It is type of data of which the value is going to be stored in variable.


int b=5;

In above Eg,We have Created a variable of type int,So we can say that In variable b we can store integer value.In C there are several data types which are used for different purposes.

  • Character:It is most basic data type of C.It is use to store single character.It require single byte of memory to store value.%c format specifier is used for character data type.When we declare character type variable we use char keyword.To store character type value in variable we use ‘ ‘ (Single inverted comma).


char bloodgroup=’A’;

  • Integer:It is also most basic data type in C.It is used to store integer type value.It require two byte of memory to store value.%d format specifier is used for integer data type.When we declare integer type variable we use int is guaranteed to be able to hold -32767 to 32767.


int rollno=9;


  • Float:It is used to store decimal value.It is used Whenever there is mathematical calculation.for eg divison.%f format specifier is used for float data type.When we declare float type variable we use float keyword.It require four byte of memory to store value.Float range is 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38


float a=5;

float b=2;

float c=a/b;
printf(“Divison of a & b:%f”,c);

Output:Divison of a & b:2.500000

In above eg if we would used int data type of c variable instead of float then it would given Divison of a&b as 4 because it truncate(discard) the value after decimal.

  • Double:It is mostly similar to float but there is only difference between float and double which is nothing but in precision. Precision refers to no of values after decimal.double has higher precision than float.double is used when the numbers are greater.Whenever we declare double type variable we use double keyword. %lf format specifier is used for double data type.double range is 2.3E-308 to 1.7E+308l.It require eight byte of memory to store value.

double a=59499949499.59;

double b=2504004004.5;

double c;
printf(“Divison of a & b:%lf”,c);

Output:Divison of a & b:23.754848

We will discuss derived data types in further lectures.



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